Redefining Humaneness through Self exploration My vision is to weave a collective dream of conscious evolution and revolutionize our relationship to our inner world to shift our reality.
I am here to hold you in a radically authentic and loving presence so that you can go inwards and untie the knots that are keeping you from being free. I will witness your raw self expression and guide you towards wholeness and self realization so that you open your own channel and a fully aligh with your purpose.
I am in service of your deepest truth and an activist for self-sovereignty. I trust that the world can be transformed by our most simple aligned actions. May we remember the power of our spirit and to reconnect with our essence. This life is ours and we are here to experience the wholeness of our being. 0{{total_slide_count}}
Dedicated to the evolution of consciousness
I dream that we become gracefully mindful, fully sovereign, outrageously powerful, and unapologetically liberated, to inspire each other to live a life of radical self acceptance and generous love activism.
In this space, I hold you through the unfolding of a life beyond the possible - into radical embodiment of truth.
We are coming together to rejoice in the whirlwind of humans emotions,
to look inside and find the whole Universe, to open our wounds for the sake of eternity and divine beauty.
Come play hide and seek with your shadow, be devoted to the great Mystery and hear your name in the silence. Fall in love with your fears, with every dark corner of your being, embrace the wholeness of the human experience, letting go, rising, and daring to be seen.
Together, we are going to journey back to you to your very essence - the most sacred spark - So that you break free !
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Full spectrum alignment and return to wholeness
You are a truth seeker on the path of self realisation, you are propelled to undergo deep inner revolution, you feel the desire to create a direct line of connection with source and a profound relationship with yourself. I am offering you heart-based guidance, mind-altering interrogations, channelled messages from the realm of all possibilities, revelations of your hidden capacities and maps of your inner cosmogony.
Mirroring your power back to you, we are sharpening your vision of the future as we clear your past - revealing your light as a weapon for this new earth to flourish and for you to shine, deeply rooted in your truth.
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